Friday, December 03, 2010


Is there a good book on Parenting that is specific to my children? For those of you with more then one child, you know that they are similar in somethings and different in others. Actions of one child and our response can educate the younger child in a new behavior, not necessarily a behavior that is acceptable. Discipline must be consistent but it differs in its success. What works with one child doesn't work with a different child. What works with one child at one age is less effective a year or two later.

How could anyone who is a parent survive without prayer. The Bible is a great manual for life, but the Bible has plenty of dysfunctional families, starting with the first one. It makes it difficult to provide a biblical example of good, brotherly behavior to my sons. The best I can do is to point out that God is the Creator of families and that He brings good things even from imperfect families, with imperfect parents, like me.

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