Sunday, March 18, 2012

Separation Anxiety?

Did you ever have an experience as a child where you were separated from a parent in a large group of people? Perhaps at shopping mall during the holidays or like me at a Major League Baseball Game? You can't see over or through the crowd of people in front of you.

It's that way in life. There are many distractions, legitimate and illegitimate. The cares, worries and concerns about our family, our business and our property can easily consume our attention and later we notice we are no longer following God as closely as before. If allowed, hobbies, entertainment and even sports can distract us from drawing nearer to God.

When a child finally realizes the trouble he is in by being separated, he instinctively will try to find himself back in the safety of his parents sight. He will cry out and he will run in their direction.

This should be our response when we see ourselves falling behind. We must call on His Name and run in His direction. We can run into His arms. There is no need to fear His rebuke. Any rebuke from God is much better than being away from Him. Pick up that Bible, ask Him to forgive you and thank Him for loving you unconditionally.

The good news is that there is nothing that can separate us against our will. Romans 8:35 and 38-39 lists all of things that could distract us into separation from God but Romans 8:37 we are told that "in ALL these things, we are MORE than conquerers through Him that loved us." And He will always love us.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Times and Seasons

Acts 1:6-8
6 Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” 7 And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” NKJV

May 21,2012 is coming! So is May 22nd, so what? Harold Camping and his Family Radio disciples apparently are unaware of this passage of scripture. People all over are witnesses of Camping's prediction, instead of being witnesses of Messiah and His authority and power.

#1 No one knows the times and seasons. For years, there have been those "know-it-alls" who set a date for Messiah's return, all of them have been wrong. I wish they would stop trying to date his return and focus on Messiah Himself. Makes you wonder why Harold Camping is up to this again.

#2 The second thing Yeshua (Jesus) says is about receiving the power of Holy Spirit. We could use a whole lot more of the Spirit's power in our world and a lot less silliness. Predicting Messiah's return is vanity.

#3 We are commanded to be witnesses of the Messiah after being filled with the Holy Spirit. This means we are to speak under His control and anointing, not out of the flesh. Someone has said, to be filled with the Spirit isn't like a cup being filled with water; that doesn't accomplish anything. To be filled with the Spirit is like a sail on a sail boat being filled with wind; it is moved in a direction.

Let us focus on Messiah and ask to be filled anew with His Spirit so that we can be His witnesses in power, wherever He directs us.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Joseph - His Dreams and Inspired Vision

You can read about Joseph's dreams and the fulfilment of those dreams in Genesis 37, 39-45.

Joseph had several prophetic dreams about his future. The dreams were specific to him and his family. His dreams about the sheaves of wheat (Genesis 37: 7) and about the sun, moon and stars bowing down to his star (Genesis 37:9) spoke of him having authority and leadership over the family. Joseph in his youthful excitement, shares this good news with his family, but his family didn't share his enthusiasm. He didn't understand that sharing that dream wasn't going to make it happen. He felt like he had to anounce it.

I once had someone with a prophetic gift give me a word that I was to be a shepherd to the outcast and downtrodden. I immediately put my mind to work to have that word direct what I was to do with my life. It didn't work that way; I went nowhere with it. Years later I found myself as the leader of a singles ministry, where I had the heart of a shepherd to care for those who attended our activities. Then the prophetic word came back to mind; I was walking in that anointing without even recognizing it.

When Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers (Genesis 37:28) his dreams did not die; they matured. Joseph never spoke again of taking authority, he just began taking responsibility. His leadership skills and his responsible behavior gained him favor. More responsibility and authority were given to him as a result. He flourished in the middle of slavery and imprisonment. His circumstances, though cruel and unfair had no impact on his dreams.

Joseph's dreams were at last fulfilled after 13 years of faithfulness. When Joseph was called out of prison to interpret the Pharoah's dream (Genesis 41) Joseph trusted in G-d's provision of wisdom and answers to dreams. He had interpreted the dreams of others and he had seen them come true, but his own dreams had not yet been fulfilled. When he revealed the interpretation to Pharoah, he included his assessment of what needed to be done. He demonstrated to Pharoah his wisdom, understanding and ability to handle responsibility. He had spoken with authority to the King of Egypt, where he was only a slave. So impressed was Pharoah that he was freed from prison and slavery, on that very day he was placed in authority over all of Egypt.

Joseph had dreams of authority and leadership, but in the beginning he only thought of leading his family. Later Joseph learned that G-d had a bigger plan. When the famine spread to Canaan, his family came as strangers to Egypt and bowed before their brother, fulfilling the dream. By this time Joseph had learned that authority was really about power, it was about responsibility.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Timing is EVERYTHING! - Mordecai's story

The book of Esther is filled with tales of courage, treachery and good timing. When Mordecai hears of Haman's plot to annihilate the Jewish people, he tells his cousin Haddassah (Esther) that she must take action for "who knows whether you have come into the kingdom for such a TIME as this." Esther's rise to the throne coincided with the rise of Haman and his hatred of the Jews.

Esther asks for a TIME of fasting (and prayer) and she would go to the king unrequested. Esther waits for the right TIME to tell the king of the danger she is in. Meanwhile, G-D is at work.

In the middle of this story Mordecai plays an important role in saving the life of the king from an assassination plot against him. Nothing happens good or bad to Mordecai, so life goes on. Later on between Esther's two banquets, when Haman has made plans to hang Mordecai on gallows he has built, the king discovers that Mordecai has never been honored for his service and now is the TIME to do it. Haman is chosen to honor Mordecai, which is the beginning of a very long day for Haman.

If Mordecai had been honored at the TIME of his service to the king, the impact of Esther's plea would not have been as convincing. Sometimes we have to wait a long TIME to receive the honor, benefits or fruits of our labors. We may see others rise while things appear static for us. Joseph saw many come and go from his prison for thirteen years until he was called out of prison and became second in command over Egypt.

We must trust our TIME to G-D, and continue to serve. Blessings, deliverance, healings and all kinds of answers to prayer come in TIME.

Friday, December 03, 2010


Is there a good book on Parenting that is specific to my children? For those of you with more then one child, you know that they are similar in somethings and different in others. Actions of one child and our response can educate the younger child in a new behavior, not necessarily a behavior that is acceptable. Discipline must be consistent but it differs in its success. What works with one child doesn't work with a different child. What works with one child at one age is less effective a year or two later.

How could anyone who is a parent survive without prayer. The Bible is a great manual for life, but the Bible has plenty of dysfunctional families, starting with the first one. It makes it difficult to provide a biblical example of good, brotherly behavior to my sons. The best I can do is to point out that God is the Creator of families and that He brings good things even from imperfect families, with imperfect parents, like me.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Extravagant Worship

Extravagant Worship John 12:1-8 & Luke 7:36-50

Extravagant Worship is an action that honors G-D with concern only for His approval.
It is: #1 Spirit led, #2 High cost & #3 Impacts others.

#1 Spirit Led Action.
One Hebrew word for worship is Avodah. Avodah is an occupation or job. There is a strong sense of duty or obligation to this kind of worship. Miriam (Mary) does what she does out of immense gratitude for deliverance and the resurrection of her brother Lazarus.
In this case we are duty bound to honor Him in worship because He is worthy of our worship as a Creator and as our G-D who provides for us.

I believe that the same Miriam is the woman showing Extravagant Worship in both biblical passages above. The first time she comes into a room filled with religious non-worshippers and washes the feet of Yeshua (Jesus) with her tears and dries them with her hair. The second time, she pours out a bottle of fragrant oil upon His feet before His disciples and friends and uses her hair as a towel. Other passages mention her pouring the oil on His head.

#2 High Cost
Each time someone challenges Him or her about the display of Extravagant Worship. Each time He defended her worship and rebuked the accuser. She didn’t care about her reputation. She loved Him and the Spirit was leading her to worship Him this way.

The fragrant oil was worth a year’s wages. She could have sold it and given the money to the poor and missed a golden opportunity to have an intimate time of worship. While she was anointing His feet, she was alone with the king; nothing and no one else mattered.

Warning: Anyone else in the room will not be able to appreciate what you are experiencing while you are worshipping.

#3 Impact On Others
“ The house was filled with the fragrance…” Another passage tells us that she broke the bottle to open it. She broke the bottle. This was no, “just a little dab ‘ill do ya”; it was all or nothing. Because she broke the bottle, everyone in the house knew it.

Because she broke the bottle and poured it on Yeshua, the fragrance would stay with Him until He died. Because she broke the bottle and dried His feet with her hair, she also wore the fragrance of her Extravagant Worship.

3 Questions:
#1 How long does the fragrance of your time of worship stay with you?
#2 Can other people tell that you have been worshipping?
#3 Have you ever been accused of Extravagant Worship?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Covenant of Peace

Isaiah 54:10
"For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My
kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall My covenant of peace be
removed, says the Lord, who has mercy on you."

We take comfort in the word of God, not the word of doctors. It is His
kindness that is everlasting and unchanging. He has made a covenant of
peace that can not be overwhelmed by circumstances. His peace passes all

He has made a covenant of peace. He has placed His name as a seal upon
this covenant. We have His guarantee of peace, no matter what we hear.
We can have peace as we trust in His kindness and mercy.