Did you ever have an experience as a child where you were separated from a parent in a large group of people? Perhaps at shopping mall during the holidays or like me at a Major League Baseball Game? You can't see over or through the crowd of people in front of you.
It's that way in life. There are many distractions, legitimate and illegitimate. The cares, worries and concerns about our family, our business and our property can easily consume our attention and later we notice we are no longer following God as closely as before. If allowed, hobbies, entertainment and even sports can distract us from drawing nearer to God.
When a child finally realizes the trouble he is in by being separated, he instinctively will try to find himself back in the safety of his parents sight. He will cry out and he will run in their direction.
This should be our response when we see ourselves falling behind. We must call on His Name and run in His direction. We can run into His arms. There is no need to fear His rebuke. Any rebuke from God is much better than being away from Him. Pick up that Bible, ask Him to forgive you and thank Him for loving you unconditionally.
The good news is that there is nothing that can separate us against our will. Romans 8:35 and 38-39 lists all of things that could distract us into separation from God but Romans 8:37 we are told that "in ALL these things, we are MORE than conquerers through Him that loved us." And He will always love us.